Power BI - Interactive Navigation Templates
Unlock the full potential of your data with these Interactive Power BI Navigation Templates. These meticulously designed templates integrate the advanced navigational techniques outlined in the blog, "Design Meets Data: Crafting Native Interactive Navigations in Power BI."
These 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-page Power BI templates are perfect for users looking to enhance their report design and UI/UX, this digital download provides a ready-to-use Power BI report. The template is fully customizable, simply update the Power BI theme to change the base theme colors of the navigation, edit the navigation icons and page titles to get the perfect look and feel. It includes dynamic, collapsible navigation panels, and interactive elements that ensure a seamless user experience. Elevate your data storytelling and make informed decisions faster with a template that transforms complex data into an engaging, easy-to-navigate report. Enhance your reporting capabilities today with these templates!
You will get individual template files for a 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-page report provided in the PBIX, PBIT, and PBIP (12 total files) formats!